

Friday, April 18, 2008

*laughter is still the best medicine*

now that henry is in town, i can't help but laugh every time that we're together! he's really one of the craziest people i know and nothing beats spending time with crazee friends!

had dinner with the gang yesterday (sans rinah who was out on a date, *wink!) at Yaku Podium for some Japanese food... it was alright although the food could use some extra seasoning... but had some yumyum ice cream crepes at Crepes & Creme! and henry, being the loony one had so much difficulty with the crepes that we were laughing our heads off!

so as an answer to chie's question: 'so, did you?' ...

, i did!


marie said...

Yes I just did when I saw this cutie face:)

Lizeth said...

uhmm lids..why did you post my photo?!?! :D Lol

as in ganyan ako ka-maga! :O:O

lidsÜ said...

@marie :: such an adorable baby, don't you think? haha! this picture really made my day!

lidsÜ said...

@lizeth :: aww, seth! did you take a picture? they've all been asking how you've been! get well and hope to see you tomorrow! ♥hugs